Liz Cook

The low dose hypothesis - why small doses of toxins can have a big impact

It is a common misconception that causes us to unwittingly engage in habits that are potentially harmful to us - the notion that a small dose of a bad thing is...


Is wearing essential oils the same as wearing natural perfume?

By Liz Cook

We hear this statement a lot: "I don't need natural perfume - I just wear essential oils." In fact, in a recent survey we conducted,...

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Why Clean Beauty is Not Enough

By Liz Cook

It's the catch-phrase of the year: clean. Clean eating. Clean beauty. Clean fragrance. Clean, well, pretty much everything. Clean living is a push toward a more...

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World Environment Day: why your perfume is now a worse pollutant than your car

By Liz Cook

You've probably heard it said that fragrance is the new secondhand smoke. But the latest research adds that fragrance is now the new car pollution. FRAGRANCE...

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World Earth Day - why your little cell phone is having a major impact

By Liz Cook

“The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to...

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On Conscious Living

By Liz Cook

What does it mean to be conscious? Being conscious is to be deliberate. Intentional. Purposeful. Too many people live without intent. Living without too much...

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Does everything cause cancer these days?

By Liz Cook

You may have heard that everything causes cancer. The notion has been tossed around so much over the past decade or so that now it’s...

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