Liz Cook

The low dose hypothesis - why small doses of toxins can have a big impact

It is a common misconception that causes us to unwittingly engage in habits that are potentially harmful to us - the notion that a small dose of a bad thing is...


The Impact of Environmental Estrogens on Stress Hormones

By Liz Cook

XENOESTROGENS & EDCs By now we’ve all heard of xenoestrogens - synthetic estrogen-mimicking chemicals that bind to and activate estrogen receptors and cause a disruption...

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What's in the bottle, and why should I care?

By Liz Cook

It seems so mysterious and seductive, that what exactly goes in to making your favourite scent is a deep, dark, sexy secret known only by...

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Perfume and pregnancy - why exposure to scent is critial to consider

By Liz Cook

Pregnant or breastfeeding? This one is for you. Fragrance is not just a pretty smell. There is a lot of chemistry going on inside your...

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One in three people are fragrance sensitive - so why aren't we talking about it?

By Liz Cook

If it's true that 1 in 3 of your friends feel unwell when exposed to perfume, why aren't your friends talking about it? ​In August 2016,...

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Is sustainability enough when it comes to fragrance?

By Liz Cook

Sustainability is trending big time, and for good reason. It is critical that we take better care of our planet by producing products that provide...

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The science behind fragrance and mood

By Liz Cook

We’ve talked a lot about the impacts that toxins found in synthetic fragrance can have on your hormones, mood, mental health and more, but are...

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